20 Desember 2023

5 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris Populer untuk Si Kecil

Bacakan untuk Si Kecil yuk, Moms
5 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris Populer untuk Si Kecil

Foto: Orami Photo Stocks

Hansel and Gretel were free! They ran out of the cottage and into the forest. They soon found their way back home, where they were reunited with their parents.

The woodcutter and his wife were so happy to see their children. They promised never to abandon them again."

4. Jack and the Beanstalk

Cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris ini dapat membangun imajinasi anak, lho.

Simak cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris ini, yuk!

"Once upon a time, there was a poor widow and her son named Jack. They lived in a small cottage on the edge of a forest.

One day, Jack's mother sent him to the market to sell their cow. Jack was a kind and gentle boy, but he was also very naive.

On his way to the market, Jack met a man who offered to trade him five magic beans for the cow. Jack thought the beans were worthless, so he agreed to the trade.

When Jack's mother saw the beans, she was furious. She threw them out the window, and they landed in the garden.

The next morning, Jack woke up to find that a giant beanstalk had grown overnight. The beanstalk reached up into the clouds.

Jack decided to climb the beanstalk. He climbed for hours, and finally he reached the top.

At the top of the beanstalk, Jack found himself in a strange land. He met a giant who lived in a castle.

The giant was a greedy and cruel creature. He kept a bag of gold coins in his castle.

Jack was determined to steal the bag of gold coins. He waited until the giant was asleep, and then he crept into the castle.

Jack found the bag of gold coins and hid it in his shirt. Then, he climbed down the beanstalk and ran home.

The giant woke up and realized that his gold coins were missing. He chased after Jack, but Jack was too quick for him.

Jack and his mother lived happily ever after. They used the gold coins to buy a new house and a farm.

Jack's story is a reminder that even the smallest person can achieve great things."

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5. The Frog Prince

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris
Foto: Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris (Firstcry.com)

Terakhir, cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris ini sudah sangat terkenal. Bahkan, sampai diadaptasi ke dalam serial animasi, lho.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a grand castle. She was kind and gentle, but she was also very spoiled.

One day, the princess was playing in the garden when she saw a frog. The frog was ugly and slimy, and the princess was disgusted.

"What are you doing here?" the princess asked the frog.

"I am a prince," the frog said. "I was turned into a frog by an evil witch. If you will kiss me, I will be turned back into a prince."

The princess laughed. "I would never kiss a frog," she said.

And with that, she walked away.

The frog was sad. He knew that the only way to break the spell was for the princess to kiss him.

The next day, the princess was walking through the garden when she saw the frog again. The frog was sitting on a rock, looking very sad.

The princess felt sorry for the frog. She knew that she should not kiss him, but she could not help herself.

She bent down and kissed the frog.

As soon as the princess's lips touched the frog's, there was a flash of light. The frog disappeared, and in his place was a handsome prince.

The prince thanked the princess for breaking the spell. He told her that he was a prince from a faraway kingdom.

The prince and the princess fell in love and were soon married. They lived happily ever after in the prince's kingdom."

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Demikian cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris terpopuler yang bisa Moms bacakan untuk Si Kecil.

Yuk, bacakan cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris ini untuk mendukung tumbuh kembangnya!

  • https://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/robin_hood.html
  • https://www.pbs.org/mythsandheroes/myths_four_arthur.html
  • https://storiestogrowby.org/story/hansel-and-gretel-bedtime-stories-for-kids/
  • https://sooperbooks.com/story/the-frog-prince/
  • https://www.firstcry.com/intelli/articles/the-frog-prince-the-story-of-the-princess-and-the-frog-with-moral-for-kids/

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